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20181013 watercolor | articles watercolor


I like to print copies or scans of a drawing to test out color combinations.

20180923 ink techniques | articles


20180920 diy pinhole 2 | articles photography

Again, same as last year's attempt, you can buy laser drilled pinholes

You can get blurry backgrounds with pinholes too. It's not bokeh exactly, you average out the movement in a long exposure.

Pinhole Sharpness

Here is a link to a thread on Flickr that has good information on image. Sharp or not sharp that is the question

20180830 cubes | articles sketchbook

Spilt some tea :(
keep your desk clean!

feel like doing them over
but then what's the point of doing this exercise? Making perfect cubes or making mistakes to get a feel for perspective ~ just move on and do better next time

201808 MOAT Mark's TMDT | articles

Succesful illustration

is creating the illusion of 3d objects on a flat 2d plane, like a piece of paper. On his youtube channel: Mark Chong has interesting ideas on; How to learn to draw, how to design exercises for yourself and how you develop a feeling for 3d space.

Tip for Photographing your work:

Remember that shadows cast on your paper ruin the optical illusion you are trying to create. This is also why you really shouldn't draw on paper with lines.

Slow down, don't skip steps. Get it right and speed will come with time

Make up your own exercises that show you directly where you make mistakes

20180702  | sketchbook


from: On Drawing Trees and Nature: A Classic Victorian Manual - J. D. Harding

  • IMG_20151109_120028530
  • Hammershoi
    1) Naples Yellow + White
    2) (NY+W) + White
    3) Stain with mars black (creates a grey)
    4) (grey + white)
    Base color of 2 + water, wash with 4
    Wolken in wit / NR / Grey
    Orange made from ( Y + NY + Touch of cad red ) + White

Weekend project:

Something large. It's not really going anywhere, let's leave it.

201807 lines 2 | articles


Avoid chicken scratch

You yourself know the correct line is in there somewhere but your audience does not. Make a bold statement, don't scribble.


Marks made with a pen are permanent, they will show you your mistakes


- place begin/end dots for every line you draw.
- Judge where you will go.
- 'ghost', practice making your line. (in one direction)
- commit

20180628 water | articles sketchbook

Met simpele materialen kom je vaak al een heel eind.

20180620 rocks | articles sketchbook

Ebay for Reference images

Find those 'moody' early photographic prints by searching with keywords like 'Albumen print', Silver-based prints', 'Photogravure' + Mountain photographicprocesses

20180525 ellipses | articles sketchbook

"The minor axis cuts an ellipse into two symmetrical halves through the narrower side."

20180524 pacific rim contest | articles digital

Enough lines, let's paint. but what?

20180524 pacificrim

perfect! might as well give it a go, try and learn some new things. Other entries here

20180524 pacificrim

Robot + hometown

20180524 pacificrim

Some pictures from a walk around town.

20180524 pacificrim

Value sketch

20180522 ctrlpaint | articles sketchbook

Sketchup for Complex Backgrounds

Ctrl paint - Sketchup for Complex Backgrounds

From ctrl paint's perspective sketch


Freehand lines within a grid.

Sometimes it's faster to guess, start with a loose sketch and then clean up your lines. If you start with a grid or a cube you've established perspective, you know where the camera is.

20180521 perspective | articles sketchbook

Books on learning perspective:

Perspective Made Easy by Ernest Ralph Norling. Scott robertson's how to draw (of course). Another favorite is The Theory and Practice of Perspective, by George Adolphus Storey. It's difficult to follow, but you'll find this book goes way more in depth than the more modern sources do. Artists in 1910 did not have 3d animation software to solve their problems, this book is full diagrams showing how to plot perspective by hand.

Software tricks that help you figure out the perspective your image is in.

In ditzelfde boek wordt ook een methode omschreven waarbij soldaten in het verleden perspectieftekenen gebruikten voor het berekenen van de afstand die een kanonskogel zal vliegen.
Alsof ze via een of ander optisch fenomeen terugrekenen hoe hoog of laag de loop van het kanon moet staan. Precies hoe ze dit gedaan hebben weet ik niet, misschien kan iemand mij dit eens uitleggen.

Vergelijkbare schattingen

how to measure the height of a tree using a yardstick.

20180509 cactus | articles sketchbook

De cactusverzameling

Draw plants ~ A tiny mistake here or there? That's not so bad. Portraits are more difficult, we all know what a face should look like and because of this, it's easy to see where you got the proportions wrong. With these complex abstract things it's not so noticeable where your drawing is off.

Things are 3d but paper is flat.

Try to get your drawing to read as if it's an actual thing in 3d space. Remember to find the big shapes first and then use contour lines to show how they sit in 3d space.

20180503 lines | articles

Learn to draw with pens

There is no erase, it forces you to draw slower. Better make sure you get it right


Depth of field / focus




Combine shapes










There was a little Aha! moment while drawing insects: Construction, drawing with basic shapes is perspective drawing.

20180501  | articles

Deze is ook mooi: Pardon My Dust.

20180500 glaasje | articles sketchbook

A bit like drawing over a photograph to find a perspective grid.

Paint a Photo-Real Streetscape on Location - James Gurney paints a storefront in Phoenicia, New York

201805 Basic drawing course outline | articles

20180329 Values | articles sketchbook

Value Drawing - The Key to Realism

Solid introduction to drawing value scales here:

20180213 acrylics | sketchbook

Acrylics - Let's try and see how far we get.

My first thoughts? It's almost as if I don't have the vocabulary of painting, the abstractions or brushwork. I don't know how to indicate shapes in paint.

20180212 acrylics | articles

Also, I've looked at drawings by Zorn, now that i've tried acrylics it's very obvious he's 'drawing' with value rather than line. His work makes much more sense now. Use value to hold the edge, not line.


Wie uit zichzelf leert heeft niet de luxe van een studie-traject, zoals je dat op school kent. [...] Lees verder →

En toch is het beter om eerst te focus-sen op tekenen en niet op schilderen, wil ik dit echt goed doen. Schilderen rust op het tekenen, mooie kleuren op een warrige tekening? dat werkt natuurlijk niet.